Currently working as an aerospace engineer in the South of France, I have spent quite a bit of my almost half century-long life living abroad for work and education. My most memorable years will unmistakably remain the seven years in England, where I learned to enjoy the simple pleasures of life beyond career ambitions...
… I still feel like an eternal beginner in this pipe smoking hobby and, to be honest, I haven't really smoked that many times either. My few puffs were, however, nothing short of magic. I was advised to start off my journey with a mild aromatic tobacco and, so far, I'm enjoying Gawith Hoggarth's Ennerdale Flake. Any advice on how to proceed on this tobacco journey would be kindly appreciated.
Enjoying the simple pleasures of life, I am fond of growing things and of nature, as a whole. At last, but not least, my interest in all things of the past has naturally led to a constant lookout for pipes of the ancient world, so to say...
Welcome! To address a couple of your points in a non-sequential manner which may be objectionable to an engineer, I'll first say that there is no wrong way to smoke a pipe, assuming that you avoid smoking your tobacco while it's too wet or packing your pipe too tight or puffing so hard you burn your tongue (especially on relights). It's the kind of thing that is easy to do but hard to do well. You can learn to do it in a few days, and then keep refining your technique for many years. I believe I've been smoking a pipe for about seven or eight years now, and I'm still constantly refining my technique. Most of the variables are in the amount of drying of the tobacco and firmness of packing. It's all experimentation to see what works for you.
I must also say that I'm very curious about your experience learning to enjoy the simple pleasures in England and France. Your statement conjures up thoughts of pipes and books in an old countryside cottage with a couple pints or drams, or even at a cafe in town, and thumbing your nose at us always-in-a-hurry Americans