Oh my god, i have died and gone to heaven. I was searching the web for a pipe repairer to lovingly repair my beloved Ashton and i find this website. This just has to be heavens back door. If i'm asleep don't anyone ever wake me up, not ever.
Welcome to our forums, clunk!. While you're here, please be sure to say "hello" in the NEW MEMBERS THREAD and familiarize yourself with the FORUM RULES as running afoul them will attract the attention of your friendly neighborhood Moderator team (LAWRENCE, MARK and MYSELF) or even Kevin (site owner/ Big Kahuna).
Enjoy your time here and we look forward to more of your posts!
Welcome clunk! I have gleaned much valuable info on pipes & tobacco in the time I've been hanging around here...which has definitely enriched my enjoyment of the hobby/lifestyle/religion. Lots of knowledgeable members here from whom I've learned a lot. Enjoy! ::