Hello! And How Do You Rotate Your Pipes?

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Mar 13, 2020
NE Ohio
Hi from Ohio!

I smoke what I want, in whatever pipe suits me at the moment. I’ve got one cob dedicated to aromatics (although I will smoke whatever I want in it, too, but only smoke aros in that one pipe), but other than that I’ve given up on dedicating or rotating pipes. It was too much for me to keep track of, and I’ve got to be honest with you, it hasn’t detracted from my smoking enjoyment one bit. Others like the ritual of rotating pipes, or feel that dedicating a pipe to a specific blend or blend type helps accentuate flavors, and that’s fine. You might like that, too. Me? I’ve tried, and decided not to bother. And I’ll smoke the same pipe several times over in a day, hell, sometimes I’ll even clean it between smokes!


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I have said it before but in my opinion the only benefit of rotation (in practical terms) is that the pipe will stay sweet longer. Sweet meaning not getting a nasty funk. Guess what else does the same thing cleaning the pipe after smoking. But I rotate picking a different pipe each day which I smoke on average twice. Usually start with something from the jar and end with something from a tin. The thing is I enjoy all of my pipes and start missing them if I dont include them in my rotation.


May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Greetings from a gent who misses going Down East each Summah!

I don't smoke aromatics, and have two pipes out of about 80 dedicated to one blend. I do tend to pick up whatever fancies me in the moment for my first smoke, and then later in the day, whatever is in my car or golf bag. At night, back again to choosing something, mostly based on size of the chamber.

For you and a few others in this thread:

Please put your location in your Profile as people are forgetful.
That will save questions in the future as to where you live when you later mention local stores, weather, tobacco prices, availability, regulations, location of photos, wildfires, air quality, etc. In many instances that saves time for those who read your posts.
Under your avatar, (top right, left most of three symbols) you choose "Account Details", which brings up "My Account". "My Location" is halfway down. Whatever you're comfortable with- town, city, county, state. Just country if you must.


Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 25, 2021
Bronx, New York
Have you found that smoking non-aromatic blends out of a pipe taints the pipe when you’re smoking something sweeter?
Not that I’ve noticed but I doubt I have a refined enough taste to pick up on that. I’ve only noticed a ghost from deer tongue and a few aros but the aros ghost went away quickly so I don’t really worry about that anymore (famous last words, now I’ll get a ghost that won’t fade lmao)
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Nov 30, 2020
Sydney, Australia
Welcome to the Forums form Sydney, Oz

I am pretty much a weekend smoker - 2-3 bowls per day for an average of 4-5 bowls/week
Most times I will go through my pipes to see which one I have a hankering to smoke.
Other times I look through my blends, pick out a couple, then decide on the pipes - I dedicate pipes to English/Balkan blends and aromatics, as those tend to leave a ghost.
I almost never ever smoke the same pipe twice in a row. Most get smoked every 3-4 months.
Except for a meer (african) that I am trying to colour which gets smoked 2 or 3 times a month


Aug 30, 2011
I don’t have a rotation. I have always assumed it’s a personality thing.
Organized, meticulous guys probably have a good regimen, I don’t. I just smoke whatever’s there.
Im a one or two blend guy though, that may play into it.
Is Dads Smokeshop still open? I used to stop by when I was in the area.
And that place in Biddeford Pool with the store in the front and the restaurant in the back. Good god, I’d weigh 400 pounds if I lived close by.


Feb 21, 2013
With about ninety pipes, the idea is to smoke a different pipe with every bowl, so they all get smoked on a regular basis, but obviously with a long rest. I pretty much follow the principle, but find that some pipes on slightly less accessible racks get smoked somewhat less. It is fun to discover these less smoked pipes, so there's that benefit. The enjoyment of having too many pipes is smoking a wide variety -- different finishes, several different woods -- briar, Mountain Laurel, cocobolo, as well as a Meerschaum and nice array of cobs, and a clay.


Jul 7, 2021
I don’t have a rotation. I have always assumed it’s a personality thing.
Organized, meticulous guys probably have a good regimen, I don’t. I just smoke whatever’s there.
Im a one or two blend guy though, that may play into it.
Is Dads Smokeshop still open? I used to stop by when I was in the area.
And that place in Biddeford Pool with the store in the front and the restaurant in the back. Good god, I’d weigh 400 pounds if I lived close by.
Dad’s is right around the corner from me! It’s got new owners and is a little light on pipes and pipe tobacco, but it’s great. I bought a Stanwell and some tins of Peterson tobacco there yesterday.
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Aug 30, 2011
Dad’s is right around the corner from me! It’s got new owners and is a little light on pipes and pipe tobacco, but it’s great. I bought a Stanwell and some tins of Peterson tobacco there yesterday.
That’s great to hear. It’s been a number of years since I’ve visited, and they were mainly a cigar joint then as well, but it was a nice place to kill a few hours avoiding the relatives I was visiting in Portland.
The place in Biddeford Pool is called Goldthwaits, just popped in my head.
You are in beautiful country over there. Enjoy.
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