Good stuff - thank you!The shipper is responsible for the customs documents, not the buyer. Even at that, unless the shipper is a subject of the Crown, it isn't illegal do falsify declarations when mailing from outside the Once Great British Empire.
No idea why your link takes me to 10 hours of Rick Astley on YouTube, but it made me laugh!
Never thought I’d see a rick roll in a pipe group! I’m somewhat proud of you
I got an email this afternoon, which was just a confirmation of my order which I had already received as soon as I’d ordered it. Still nothing else.I just made my second order with them late last week of pounds of H&H ODF and Bold Ky. It shipped after 2 days and I have a tracking number. Shipment should be here Sat.
Their automatic email notifications are glitchy, but their response to direct email has been good.
First shipment came without any problem. All product was fresh and in good physical condition.
I do but my TAD is quite badThis entire thread makes me so happy I have basically a full cellar!
Yeah, my last order from Smokingpipes was for 5 tins and the import charges and taxes worked out about the same as you were charged. It was the first time i'd ordered pipe tobacco from the US in about 3 years and I was shocked. I'd ordered plenty in the past and the import taxes were nowhere near that level. I only paid them because 4 of the tins were C&D Carolina Red Flake.A couple label it as hobby supplies. I wouldn’t mind paying the customs charges if they were sensible, but last time I ordered from Smoking Pipes the charges came to £228 for 5 50g tins.
Shipment received. All good! Well wrapped. Date inside marked 2022.I just made my second order with them late last week of pounds of H&H ODF and Bold Ky. It shipped after 2 days and I have a tracking number. Shipment should be here Sat.
Their automatic email notifications are glitchy, but their response to direct email has been good.
First shipment came without any problem. All product was fresh and in good physical condition.
Thank you for sharing that! Very strange that I’ve had no response, just the same email again which confirmed my order. I really hope they do get back to me soon as 4noggins still have SPC but I don’t want to order until I know this is going to fall throughShipment received. All good! Well wrapped. Date inside marked 2022.
Francisco Franco is still dead.Thank you for sharing that! Very strange that I’ve had no response, just the same email again which confirmed my order. I really hope they do get back to me soon as 4noggins still have SPC but I don’t want to order until I know this is going to fall through