My first foray into pipe smoking was a cheap mini cob from a mall tobacco store called "Stag Tobacconist" that was about 30 years ago. I bought some 1oz sample of a "rum" aromatic that burned the crap out of my tongue and left me wondering what all the fuss was about.
Fast forward to about 5 years ago when I decided to give piping another try when I went to the P&C site and purchased a MM Country Gent(still have it and currently smoking it as I type one of my favorites in my rotation) and the following tobacco's at 1oz each:
Lane - Very Cherry
Dunhill - Early Morning Pipe
SPC - Misssissippi River
The cherry blend was due to the fact the wife was a big fan of cherry pipe tobacco. So that was the first I dove into when the UPS package arrived. The result was mostly the same as my first attempt at pipe smoking. Mostly because my technique was green, and had no idea what I was doing.
Then one night I said decided to give the EMP a try. The smell of the bag was wonderful, but intimidating as it was something I wasn't used to. It wasn't siren song of "sweet and inviting" like the aros promote, but it was earthy and stout.(yes i said stout about EMP, first tango with an English) the following 30 to 45 minutes changed my pipe smoking tastes forever. It was intoxicating.... I knew wasn't going to look back from that point on.
Now I sit on a cellar of about 40lbs of tobacco, mostly heavy English blends from GLP and American burley blends from C&D. I can honestly say my favorite blend is Gaslight, with Bengal Slices coming a close second. I still haven't gotten the Straight VA's figured out, but I do enjoy a bowl of FVF when the time permits to focus on it.
I've always said that aromatics are the "marketing department" of pipe smoking. When smoking them you rarely get turned up noses from bystanders. Most the time you hear..."oh someone is smoking a pipe, and it reminds me of my grandfather." Can't say it's a bad thing for sure. Aro's are difficult to smoke, and oddly enough the new piper is mystified as to why it isn't what they think it should be. I'm not one one to begrudge those who smoke aro's exclusivly because everyone's tastes are different and unique. As I said before and many here have stated.....
Smoke what you like...and like what you smoke. :
