Again, some do ... but not the majority.Are you saying you don't make your dogs wear shoes down there?

Again, some do ... but not the majority.Are you saying you don't make your dogs wear shoes down there?
I think that's the general sentiment. Be mindful of what's on your shoes, and take them off if they are dirty.If you just finished walking in the mud or such, common sense would say to remove them also.
This must be a cultural thing because I just don't get it. Shoes are always dirty. I mean, you are walking outside.Some people are more picky about shoes in their house, but I think most people aren't worried about it unless you have dirty shoes. If you put on a pair of clean shoes, walk down your driveway and get in the car, drive to someone's house, and walk up their driveway to the door ... well there shouldn't be anything on your shoes to worry about
Rarely, and not unless their paws have been cleaned with a wet towel.Curious ... do you allow your dogs inside the house?
It is well known that Canadians have massive dicks, so we look to see if the room is large enough before we take off any support in our nether regions.What's the Canadian etiquette regarding jock straps and/or thongs? Do those need to be removed as well?
Ahhhh ... that's most likely it! Plus, the wife likes when I keep the spurs on. :mrgreen:cobguy, could it be that it is just too difficult for you western U.S. folks to take off your footwear, what with the spurs and such you have on?
Fascinating. I never knew that Canadian English used have and are interchangeably.It is well known that Canadians have massive dicks
Not interchangeably. In Canada "have" connotes both have AND are.Fascinating. I never knew that Canadian English used have and are interchangeably.
You mean zed?And what do American know about English in any event? You guys can't even properly pronounce the last letter in the alphabet.
If your Aussie hat is the "Crocodile Dundee" type and you are looking for something a little less "outback" & more of a dress look, I would recommend the Australian brand Akubra & specifically their model called the Campdraft. Very nice hats & comfortable to wear. They look more like a fedora than the outback.Speaking of nicer hats, anyone know how to reshape a crown on a felt hat? Want a slightly different crown shape on one I own.
You can also look into reshapable hats if you like to change it up. I have two Borsalinos that are reshapeable. In "rest" position they look like bowlers. But the felt has some kind of additive that allows me to create a different crown shape which will hold until I decide to change it.Speaking of nicer hats, anyone know how to reshape a crown on a felt hat? Want a slightly different crown shape on one I own.