Has Peterson Quality Really Declined?

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Dec 25, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
It seems the best Peterson's typically are available overseas. One of the site sponsors, Al Pascia, has great Peterson's for not much more than full retail in the states, plus they have finishes and shapes not available here. We do get Peterson's, but you have to be selective and check the pipe out carefully.

The only Petes I buy are their Christmas ones, other than that I would prefer older Peterson pipes with the exception of a Peterson Aran 150 Bully when I started pipe smoking. I also have a Peterson Christmas 2014 B35 Zulu/Yacht Rusticated from last year and will get this year's Christmas pipe as well.
I am a big fan of vintage pipes and don't give a damn about new factory pipes. If I want a new pipe I would go talk to a pipemaker. No point giving factory pipes big bucks.

Aug 14, 2012
Since my post 2 years ago on this subject I have found a filling on a $200 Peterson. It was covered by the finish, which has now worn off enough to see it. This is outrageous. They have lost all pride in what they do and from now on I will regard them as second rate pipes.



Jul 24, 2013
I'm a Peterson guy now and forever. I have three 107 Irish Harps, among others. My only gripe with Peterson is they crank the stem on too tight, making it a real struggle to take apart to clean. But most of my 21 pipes are Petes. I especially love the thick architecture of the pipes. I just wish I could afford more.



May 11, 2012
I have been buying my Pete's either from Al Pascia or Pipedivan.. this one which I just went for at $175 is at. least twice as much even if you can one in the states. I have never received a bad Pete from either these retailers.
Peterson 428



Apr 26, 2013
I've had great luck with mine, if this thread is any indicator. Only new one I own was a Drac from a B&M so I could look it over. I am up to my 7 day goal so I'm not looking for more, but I love the ones I have. Highlight is a gold spigot pipe that smokes very well.



Apr 30, 2014
Being 3/4's Irish (and 1/4 unmentionable), it was only a matter of time before a few Petersons found their way into the man-cave...a green bent brandy spigot, a red billiard spigot and a 312 ebony standard. Outside of shawnofthedead's slight twist on the stems of the two bents, I could find nothing wrong with their construction upon first inspection nor their smoking abilities after a year of solid rotation.
I wound up selling the red spigot and the 312. Partly because of smoking buddies that apparently like Petersons more than I but, mainly because I've been burning a VaPer trail for quite a while and the larger Petes just don't seem to nail them as well as the smaller Italian jobs I've been acquiring lately.
That said, I would be hard-pressed to sell the 68 spigot. It is a classic shape that absolutely sends the English blends, especially the occasional bowl of Nightcap.



Feb 22, 2013
In 2011 I was looking at a Kildare in a pipe shop after have driven 200 miles to get there. I grabbed the shank and turned the stem to see the tenon, and the shank broke. The salesperson said he would have to charge me $50 for the pipe I broke. He said that was what the pipe cost him. $50 down the drain. I bought a Ferndown for over $500, same time, same place, same salesperson. So ask me are Peterson pipes cheap? Answer: yes and no.



Jul 24, 2013
I really have to speak up for Petersons. I have had only one problem with Petes, and that is the stems are cranksd on a little too tight, and have to usually have my straight Petes sanded down a little by Shantiques. I've had one Pete drilled off center but didn't notice that until much later, and this didn't affect the smoking quality of the pipe. But most of my Petes take the bulk of my collection, especially the Irissh Harp series. I think they are fine middle-on-the-road pipes.



Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
I've looked at Peterson's but have yet to purchase one because of all the problems I've read and heard about. It has always come down to do I want to spend the money and take a chance on a Peterson or buy a Savinelli or a Nording which I have had only good experience with. I have bought 5 Savinelli's and 3 Nordings in the past two years.



Feb 13, 2015
Same here, Pappymac. I've been put off by a lot of what I read about them, and decided Stanwell was a bit safer route to try. So far, very pleased with Stanwell's products.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 31, 2015
I have 4 Petersons 3 of which are in my current rotation. They were bought within the last year so I can't speak to how they were in the past. One is a great smoker out of the box, one had way too tight of a draw but now that I have reamed it out to 5/32 it is doing much better. The third is doing "OK" but I also plan to open this airway too.
My real gripe is that they don't pass pipe cleaners very well. One of them will never pass one, one will pass one with moderate difficulty and the third one with great difficulty.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 17, 2013
I took a chance a few months ago and purchased my first Pete. Given some of the things I've read, I was a little hesitant. In the end, I'm pleased with my purchase. If one examines it closely, you might decide that the draught hole is a fraction above the bottom of the bowl, but on the whole I like it, it smokes great and I'm always a happy camper when it is up next in the rotation. In fact, sometimes, like this morning, I will choose another pipe so I can save the Pete for the end of the day when I can sit on the porch and really relax. The usual caveats apply. This is a small sample (one pipe) and maybe I just got lucky . . .



Jul 10, 2015
Dalzell, South Carolina
I have 2 Petersons, a Donegal Rocky 264 and a Dracula bent 03. No complaints on the 264 but the Dracula 03 is drilled high on the shank like their system pipes. From what I've read Peterson has high shank drilling on all their bent pipes. Is this so?



May 30, 2012
I have a great Aran from the 80's. It's the only Pete I have and is a great smoker. I had a barrel with push stem fan tail I traded off for a Kaywoodie Meer. It smoked hot for me.

I do like the new "Atlantic" series. Just gonna wait on some feedback.


Snow Hill

Can't Leave
Apr 23, 2015
I held off on picking up a new Pete during the big sale last month because if threads like this one. Scared me off the brand.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
I bought a Pete Aran in Santa Fe, but a month after I got home a fill fell out. They replaced it no questions. The lack of humidity in SF, NM is not so great for pipes! (The briar had shrunk, so the band was loose).



Jul 24, 2013
Voorhees, everyone has problems with a given brand. Popular brands tend to get targeted. Believe me, Petersons are a safe bet, but if you get yours from Smokingpipes, they will run it through pipe cleaner tests for you. They are very cooperative with their pipes. Most of my Petes come from them, mostly because they show the pipe you are actually going to get, especially important with the Drac line because of the variations with stem ornamentation.



Jul 2, 2009
New England
I've been a Peterson aficionado for many years and love the pipes and the history of the Company. I continue to buy new Peterson pipes but usually in the $200 range. Even some of the lesser grades are fabulous smokes IMO. But there should not be any fills on a pipe that is in the $200 range. As much as fills do not have any effect on smoking quality, a poorly drilled pipe will and those should not be purchased. It's difficult at best to buy online without first seeing a pipe in your hand. This is another reason for all collectors/smokers to get to a pipe show if possible. Like sparrowhawk stated, if you deal with Smokingpipes.com or an equally considerate retailer they will give you the specifics of any pipe you may be interesting in buying. Like anything else, you get what you pay for and if you are not happy with your purchase because of quality or workmanship return it and let it be known to the Company whether it's Peterson or any other about the problem. They can't correct a problem unless they are aware of it.



Feb 21, 2013
All of my Petersons have treated me well, going back more than five years. Still, I believe the posts complaining about quality problems. I think I'd stick with established retailers like our Forums sponsors, and take special measures to phone and ask about pipes you are thinking of buying. Examine a Peterson when you get it; don't just smoke it right away. If it has conspicuous problems, send it back unsmoked. When the pipes are good, they are very very good, so I wouldn't suggest anyone avoid them outright, while I'm having a good experience with them. Their distinctive design, rugged appearance, and usual durability makes them a pleasure to own when they are good pipes.

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