The newest Peterson that I have is a 2009 St. Patrick's Day pipe, a 150 bulldog. Since it was an estate purchase, I cannot attest to the break-in period, but it smokes well. It does have a hotspot on the lower right side of the bowl, which may develop a burnout if I am not careful. The fit of the band and stem is not very good for a pipe that retails in the $100 range. It is an okay pipe, and I like how it looks and smokes, but all of my older Petes seem much better made.
I have a Kildare X105 billiard that I bought from an overseas vendor, around 2007. The fit and engineering seem superior to the 2009 pipe, but it has a matte finish. It is very good for an entry level pipe, and sold for under $50.00 new.
The last newer Pete I have is a Grafton 999, again, from the European market. It is spot on for construction, fit, and finish. It has no flaws that I can find, other than a less glossy finish than say, a Rosslare. Part of the "Grafton" nomenclature is gone, either rubbed off or not stamped correctly (another estate, btw.) It smokes very well, and I use it for Virginia tobaccos.
Also, I bought a new Dublin style churchwarden to replace a K&P Dublin churchwarden that I lost. The bowl is differently carved and sized, and seems... cheap. Smokes ok, but I was sentimentally attached to the one I lost, as it was a gift from my late wife.
I have a '98 XL315 System, an Emerald 264, and a Shamrock from the 1940's. I think they are well made, they are pleasant to smoke, and have no issues.
So, I guess what I am getting at is my older estates seem better made than the newer. I think I shall stick with the older.