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Mar 11, 2020
Southern Illinois
Alcohol destroys your body and mind. It’s the worst legal drug.
I find it to be a good medicine. A lot of meds that doctors give have bad side affects. There are many things in life that are bad for us. I have found that with age we learn if somethings are worth the risk to our health. If I could talk to a 20 yr old me i would be in a lot better shape mentally and physically. But I am sure most older peeople feel the same. And just to be honest I wouldnt have listened to myself anyway


Nov 13, 2019
Alcohol caused my neighbor to go out at 1am and do donuts in the intersection with his former police cruiser until he spun out of control and smacked a utility pole.

what other drug besides maybe PCP brings out the true base of man such as this?


Nov 13, 2019
I find it to be a good medicine. A lot of meds that doctors give have bad side affects. There are many things in life that are bad for us. I have found that with age we learn if somethings are worth the risk to our health. If I could talk to a 20 yr old me i would be in a lot better shape mentally and physically. But I am sure most older peeople feel the same. And just to be honest I wouldnt have listened to myself anyway
I wouldn’t take medicine either.

you’re drinking and taking industry poison. Let it go. The alcohol is killing you .. it’s just whether you want to admit it or not.
Mar 11, 2020
Southern Illinois
People like to disparage the green leaf (even more about legalizing it) even though alcohol has been proven to be worse in every single way. I say make alcohol illegal it causes the worst crimes, drunk driving, and kills people in more ways than one.

but it’s American to drink apparently.
I have never smoked the green leaf or any other "illegal drug" just wasnt my thing but I think each person should make their own mind up. I wouldnt tell someone to not smoke if they want to.
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Nov 13, 2019
I have never smoked the green leaf or any other "illegal drug" just wasnt my thing but I think each person should make their own mind up. I wouldnt tell someone to not smoke if they want to.
I would compare the two and use logic.

what if they made alcohol an illegal drug would you quit?


Nov 13, 2019
Which brings of the issue of foods and beer that causes diabetes......
Unless yours is genetic?


Aug 25, 2016
Alcohol destroys your body and mind. It’s the worst legal drug.

Can't disagree with you there, but it sure is fun though :LOL: puffy

I will say that I've gotta disagree with the comparisons about weed here. I have smoked plenty of times, so I'm familiar with it, but I have to say I strongly believe based on my anecdotal observations in people that I know that heavy long term weed smoking absolutely saps drive and motivation, and creates a sort of long-term brain fog. The stoner stereotypes are real.
Mar 11, 2020
Southern Illinois
I would compare the two and use logic.

what if they made alcohol an illegal drug would you quit?
No I would not. Just being honest. I enjoy drinking it is one of the few things i give myself. The older I get the more i have to give up. I am down to pipes, coffee and alcohol. And to be honest if it kills me it does. Not to be a smart ass but i have lived a good life and I am not scared to die. I saw my father pass away from agent orange and learned from him that you can die with dignity and honor. When its my time i will go

Richmond B. Funkenhouser

Plebeian Supertaster
Dec 6, 2019
People do have different experiences with alcohol.. My old man must drink 30 natural lights a day, always has. I've never seen him fuck up.. well, seems like years ago he got into a fight with some Frosted Flakes, but nothing other than that. When my son was born, he stopped drinking. He was afraid of the damage he was doing.. He went to the doctor for the first time in 50 years. They said he was in perfect health.

6 months later he said "you know, I've been thinking about buying some beer". We all said, go for it.. haha


Feb 21, 2013
A good friend quit drinking on his own when he realized he wasn't remembering blocks of time from the night before. I've been spared overdoing drink by my body chemistry. I enjoy a wine or beer with meals, and the celebratory bourbon now and then, but otherwise it fails to make me cheerful, talkative or happy. I do not feel entertained or "smarter" or otherwise invigorated. The primary effect is a sort of slow sedation that leads to not very good sleep. In the process of that, I only get more quiet, so I'm not a party animal unless the party is pretty sedate. I am not Asian, but I think I may share with some Asians the trait of poor alcohol metabolism. My parents were gin martini lovers, but they raised some hell while properly anesthetized, which wasn't always great for their progeny. But they never missed breakfast, or fixing it for us, or jobs or family occasions, so they did well with it in that respect.


Aug 25, 2016
I need a drink...

People do have different experiences with alcohol.. My old man must drink 30 natural lights a day, always has. I've never seen him fuck up.. well, seems like years ago he got into a fight with some Frosted Flakes, but nothing other than that. When my son was born, he stopped drinking. He was afraid of the damage he was doing.. He went to the doctor for the first time in 50 years. They said he was in perfect health.

6 months later he said "you know, I've been thinking about buying some beer". We all said, go for it.. haha

Similar with my dad. Drinks like a fish, always has. He has some medical issues, but none alcohol-related. Apparently proneness to liver disease is mostly genetic, and by all appearances I'd be in the clear, but I still try to be careful. I'm the better part of a decade older than my wife, and I'm trying to plan to stick around a while in the long term.
Jan 27, 2020
People do have different experiences with alcohol.. My old man must drink 30 natural lights a day, always has. I've never seen him fuck up.. well, seems like years ago he got into a fight with some Frosted Flakes, but nothing other than that. When my son was born, he stopped drinking. He was afraid of the damage he was doing.. He went to the doctor for the first time in 50 years. They said he was in perfect health.

6 months later he said "you know, I've been thinking about buying some beer". We all said, go for it.. haha

Well, sounds like your father is considerate re: stopping drinking because of his grandson, even if only for 6 months... probably wasn’t easy.

Yes, alcohol treats some better than others. I can have a couple drinks (or at least use to) during the day and go about my business, can’t say that about weed. Weed I have found is great in the evening to moderate my drinking, I can stare at a glass of wine for 30 minutes before taking a second sip, although I likely keep on repeating “well, that tastes very nice” over and over and over and over in my head.

Richmond B. Funkenhouser

Plebeian Supertaster
Dec 6, 2019
Can't disagree with you there, but it sure is fun though :LOL: puffy

I will say that I've gotta disagree with the comparisons about weed here. I have smoked plenty of times, so I'm familiar with it, but I have to say I strongly believe based on my anecdotal observations in people that I know that heavy long term weed smoking absolutely saps drive and motivation, and creates a sort of long-term brain fog. The stoner stereotypes are real.

I agree, about the weed. It's made out to be the cure-all for anything.. It certainly is not.


Nov 13, 2019
Can't disagree with you there, but it sure is fun though :LOL: puffy

I will say that I've gotta disagree with the comparisons about weed here. I have smoked plenty of times, so I'm familiar with it, but I have to say I strongly believe based on my anecdotal observations in people that I know that heavy long term weed smoking absolutely saps drive and motivation, and creates a sort of long-term brain fog. The stoner stereotypes are real.
I disagree. Ever seen an alcoholic accomplish much? I mean a real alcoholic.

on the flip side there are some very successful people who are able to function using weed.

the people were lazy already... it’s got nothing to do with smoking.


Feb 21, 2013
Though I am among the earliest boomers, born in '46, I always declined "interesting chemicals," on the basis that I was somewhat socially isolated by nature and way overly imaginative, and if I got into drugs and was transformed, I would likely end up an investment banker, which was not my ambition. Why do drugs if you are already on a far-out good trip? Sometimes a bad trip, but often a good one. A certain degree of psychedelics are just part of the brain chemistry, for some folks anyway.
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