Gurgling noise in my pipe?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 24, 2012
Hey fellow pipe smokers,
I have noticed many times now while I'm smoking that there is a gurgle that ocurs when I get about halfway through the bowl and it always annoys me.

Every time I take a drag on the pipe I hear the sound of water moving around near the end of the stem or bowl.

Now I know that the tobacco gets wet near the bottom as you get closer to finishing your bowl, but after each time I dump the bowl out it seems as if it shouldn't have been that wet with all of the tobacco that was still left.

Am I depositing moisture into the pipe, is my tobacco too moist, or might it be something else?

Hoping someone can help me solve this issue as it takes away from the pleasure of my smoke.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 28, 2011
Drying it a bit more helps but if it does grurgle, just stick a pipe cleaner in and it should soak up the moisture and you can continue smoking like normal



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
Many folks mistakenly believe that they're actually drooling into the stem. It's really the result of condensation as the warm, moisture-laden smoke stream passes into the relatively cooler shank and stem. The operative word here is "relatively", in that the dew point of the smoke stream changes with various conditions. Frennchy's got it! :wink:
Also consider reading this post by Lawrence, it may also be a source of the problem.



Nov 26, 2011
Columbia, MO
Alternatively if you don't want to reach for a pipe cleaner, you can either

1) cover the bowl and swing the pipe in a downward fashion forcing the moisture from the stem back into the bowl


2)gently blow into the pipe stem, coercing the moisture back into the bowl. My experience has been that both of these scenarios may increase relights.



Jun 23, 2011
A note to add that even "dry" tobacco has a lot of moisture and may result in a gurgle.
Two factors contribute most to this:
First, smoking technique. All other things being equal, "pushing" the pipe by smoking too fast is more likely to create a hotter chamber and result in more condensation in the stem than smoking slower.
Second, pipe geometry. Pipes with lesser construction may not have an airway that is as clear or free of turbulence as others. This may allow the airflow to cool too rapidly, making that pipe more likely to generate condensation. I once bought a basket pipe that gurgled like a $10 whore. There nothing that improved the situation and I eventually disposed of the pipe. Also, some pipe designs may result in more rapid cooling than others and contribute more to condensation. (I have a theory -- unproven -- that some "system" pipes actually generate more condensate because of the design of the air passage. So, yeah, they have some place for the liquid to go -- but cause more in the first place.)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 16, 2012
Just grab a pipe cleaner and run it down once in a while. It's a quick fix and it's pretty much effort free. :puffy:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 24, 2012
I too stick a pipe cleaner down the stem to thee bowl and leave it there for a minute to soak up the juices. then your good to go.



Jun 23, 2011
Lots of ways to deal with the gurgle, but I'd say that if you are consistently getting that problem, it bears addressing in advance.
As I said, the most likely culprit, especially with new pipe smokers, is technique -- pushing too fast can make just about any pipe gurgle. Gurgling is also a diagnostic for other pipe problems you may not realize you are having: Gurgling often comes from smoking too fast -- smoking too fast heats the pipe and tobacco too much -- bad for the pipe, bad for the taste of tobacco, bad for your tongue, etc.
If you are only experiencing the problem in one pipe, it may well be the airflow in that particular pipe. And, of course, some tobaccos can have a higher moisture content to contribute to the problem. But this factor really figures in a lot less than you might think.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 24, 2012
Thanks everyone!

I'll slow my smoking down, let the tobacco dry more and if it still gurgles I'll assume it's the pipe throw a pipe cleaner down it.



Can't Leave
Jan 10, 2012
If you have to puff a lot, your pack in the bowl is to loose. Tamp the tobacco down a little more and sip it easy.

That makes the bowl full last a little longer to. As far as the moisture goes, that largely depends on the humidity of the day as well. Many factor's cause moisture to condensate in the stems. If you have a day where the humidity is over 70%, your going to get moisture in the stems. Moisture in, moisture out.

I've smoked the same pipe in an extremely dry environment and had no condensation at all. Then I go outside and now it's there. It's nothing anyone can fix.

I just unscrew the stem,if you have a Jobey pipe, blow out the moisture then screw the stem back on a couple threads.I'll have to unscrew it again anyways, so I just screw it back 3 threads.The thread design is fabulous. Jobey is my favorite pipe. Just because of design alone.Someone used their head on that one. Being a retired Machinist, I appreciate little things like threads, because that's what I would do If I made the pipe. Push on stem's are really a losey design for the most part. It's cheap to make. No effort on that end of the pipe.



May 4, 2011
As much as I love my big Meer, it is drilled off-center and tends to gurgle. It also has a big bowl so more chance of condensation. The pipe cleaner trick works every time.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 22, 2012
Metairie, LA
I have nothing to add so I won't bother posting.
This is awesome.
On a side note, I was at a party once and the person to whom I was speaking heard my pipe gurgle. She asked what it was. I told her the pipe was really a bong. She believed me.

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Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
rlunderhill sez
I appreciate little things like threads, because that's what I would do If I made the pipe.

Push on stem's are really a losey design for the most part.

The downsides are that over time (1) we careless types tend to over tighten threads, and (2) the wood threads wear and lose their original, crisp fit.



Jan 25, 2012
"Your heart is fine, but your Stummel has a murmur."
Nice one baron. :lol:
I still get a gurgle now and then. Usually only if I'm going at it too fast on a cooler day. My Pete Systems don't gurgle at all but they will trap some moisture.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I don't go anywhere without a pack of Dill's pipe cleaners. I live in constant 75-90 percent humidity most of the year down here in Florida so no matter how much I dry out my tobacco, I will usually have to soak up excess moisture once or twice a bowl. Now when I smoke indoors, I do not have any problems.



May 22, 2012
I go with pipes that have large airways in them like corn cobs, clay pipes, Peterson System pipes. None of these gurgle. My one pipe that does, I do use pipe cleaners on it. Straight stemmed pipes also seem to have more problems with this (only if the airway is not big).

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