Let me expand a little on my earlier post.
I've been shooting since I was old enough to hold a gun up, and have shot somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 different guns.
Each one has their OWN personality! It doesn't matter if they are identical makes and models, no two are exactly alike!
Whatever you buy, you need to get very familiar with!
Plan on spending a substantial amount of time getting to know your gun.... Inside and out.
Plan on putting several hundred rounds down range before you ever carry it, or use it for home self defense.
Learn how to properly clean and care for it.
Buy several different brands and types of ammo to try, as some guns like certain ammo better than others.
Don't buy cheap ammo either!
The cheap stuff is fine for plinking, but for defense purposes buy the best "defensive" ammo you can and practice a good bit with it.
Ammo is just as different from one brand/style to the next as guns are.
I know you're in Commyfornia, and are wanting a semi-auto. But honestly, if you have very little experience, then I would suggest a good revolver chambered in .357 magnum.
With a .357, you have the option of shooting full-house .357 magnums, .38 special +P, or regular old .38 specials.
Revolvers are damn near foolproof as well! No jams, no safety (but are still very safe to carry), and still have fairly quick reloads, especially if you use a speed loader.
Revolvers are extremely reliable and simple to maintain and operate.
I'm not knocking autos, as I often carry them, but they can be tricky animals for the inexperienced.
My personal carry guns are as follows (depending on my dress and mood)
Taurus Model 605 .357 snub-nose (this is the one I carry most of the time)
Taurus PT 1911 full size .45acp (I usually only carry this one in the winter as it is big and heavy)
Springfield XD Sub-Compact 9mm (actually the wife's, but I like to carry it on occasion)
I also have a couple of pocket pistols that I carry sometimes when my attire doesn't allow me to conceal a larger gun, and they are;
Baby Browning .25acp
North American Arms .22mag. Mini-Revolver
For hiking, I usually carry a Taurus Model 44, which is a ported barrel, 4" SS .44 magnum, and has stopped an angry bear for me.
With the exception of the .25 and .22, which only have about 200 rounds a piece put through them, the rest have no less than 750 rounds (the XD) through them, and some have had thousands put through them (the 1911 and .44).
Some guys knock me for liking Taurus, but mine have always been great guns! Taurus also has a lifetime warranty.
That being said, I don't know if I would ever buy one of their "cheap" guns.
I own more handguns than these, by many different brands such as S&W, High Standard and more,but these are my go-to guns.