Laughing for the last 10 minutes from the article, but mostly from reading thru all the comments that followed.
What happened to this country? Look all around you and contrast today's thinking with how kids grew up 30-50 years ago. Boys growing up today are nothing more than girls with peckers. Sissies. Parents are worse. They just can't say "no" and want to be friends with their kids instead of being parents that set boundaries. Results: Look at all those wining liberal-progressive, snowflakes that riot, destroy, complain, who are always outraged and offended by anything they deem unacceptable...
But, some good things have evolved. Using some common sense protections, like wearing a seat belt, or wearing helmet, have proven to prevent serious, and tragic injury. But trying to eliminate -by legislation- any and all risks, becomes stifling and unnecessary. Today intrusive rules and reg's. have turned way too many of us into super-sensitive, dependent, adult-children who cannot solve a problem without any intervention. Today, too many face little or no personal responsibility as a consequence for using bad judgement. Sometimes we need to fail, and need NOT get bailed out.
I grew up in NYC, in the '50s and '60s and played in the streets when I was 5 years old, unsupervised. I did plenty of dangerous things. I got a black powder cannon when I was 12 years old... and shot it off, every 4th of July. When I was in High School we had a rifle team, and shot 22s. Try getting away with doing this today. I got slapped around by adults, and kicked in the ass by total strangers. I got wooden spoons broken on my backside if I got a little too snotty with my mom. Pop kicked my ass a few times too. I deserved it. I learned. Today, those same adults, judged by today's standards, would have been brought up on abuse charges. But, that was then and this is now.
Fun to read through this article. Bring back the Lawn Darts and BB guns.