A few years back, I reconnected with my best friend from elementary school. Phial and I were an unmitigated terror in our youth, each one egging on the other to great stupidity of destructive behavior. As we chatted on the phone, we had a great time recounting all the shit we pulled as kids: Lighting pool chlorine on fire, shooting at cars on the turnpike with a BB gun, pouring rubbing alcohol on his basement floor and lighting it, etc., etc., etc. and even more extreme stuff later on in high school.
I asked him "Phil, how in hell did we all survive that shit?" and his answer was "We didn't", and proceeded to rattle off a rather disturbingly long list of kids in our 6th grade class who are now dead. Then he ran down a list of kids who were permanently wounded (burned head to toe by gasoline, paralyzed, etc).
So while most of us survived, don't let nostalgia fog your perspective. As the great Ian Shoals once observed: "Nostalgia is just a cheap dream, made in Japan".