Jpmcwjr, I snuck you in. Shhhh.
ashdigger Lifer Jul 30, 2016 11,391 70,258 61 Vegas Baby!!! Sep 5, 2016 #41 Jpmcwjr, I snuck you in. Shhhh.
cobguy Lifer Oct 18, 2013 3,742 18 Sep 5, 2016 #42 Very nice, sir ... very nice! :: FVF ages beautifully and the folks here should be in for a treat.
jpmcwjr Lifer May 12, 2015 26,262 30,396 Carmel Valley, CA Sep 6, 2016 #43 @ ash: You da man! I won't mention it to nobody but the little lady....An she won't mention it to nobody neither, no how.
@ ash: You da man! I won't mention it to nobody but the little lady....An she won't mention it to nobody neither, no how.
mawnansmiff Lifer Oct 14, 2015 7,901 8,926 Sunny Cornwall, UK. Sep 8, 2016 #44 Im on the 'wrong' side of the pond to participate but I look forward to reading the reviews. FVF is a lovely blend only bettered by Golden Glow in my humble opinion. Regards, Jay.
Im on the 'wrong' side of the pond to participate but I look forward to reading the reviews. FVF is a lovely blend only bettered by Golden Glow in my humble opinion. Regards, Jay.