Group Tasting - Laurel Flake and St. James Flake

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Nov 21, 2018
Atlanta, GA
Alright. I’m going to put my foot in my mouth one last time. It seems I should’ve waited until I smoked every speck of Ashdigger’s generous supply of aged tobacco before I let fly with my web warrior verdict on these. I had enough left for a half bowl of Laurel (I’m smoking it out of a Pete 120, so half bowl is still a solid amount). I swear to god that last flake was the most delicious, nuanced, flavorful bowl I’ve ever smoked. The sweetness was almost too good, I kept getting waves of what to me tasted like ripe tangerine. Call me crazy, but that’s the only taste I could compare it to. I don’t think I smoked enough at once to fully let the flavors develop until now. 14-15 year Laurel kicks ass and it is honestly better than the St. James, even though my initial bias didn’t want to let me believe it. Final answer. That Laurel is GOOD.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 28, 2015
I have had a chance to smoke both the LF and the STJF. Both the manufacturer and experienced tasters have said that these are the same. That is not something I would challenge and in a blind tasting I am not sure if I could tell them apart at first blush. As noted I believe there are subtle differences do to age and maybe batch variations. Both flakes were dark in appearance with crystals present. The LF was a touch darker. The LF smelled of old silage, fermented with just a hint of the new straw. Oddly I got a slight vinegar hint that I smelled once. The STJF had a slightly younger more bright fresh hay hint. I cubed, dried and smoked both in clay pipes. On smoking each my first impressions are that the LF is sweet and builds on that. The Perique seems in the back ground. The STJF also has sweet VA presence with the Perique building in strength. At first though neither seems to have a strong perique presence. Interestingly if you smoke them back to back they seem to draw out the character of the other with the STJF flake getting sweeter and the LF getting more essence of pepper. I am sure I might discover more but I do not want to hold the thread up.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 28, 2018
So here is my full review, which seems to differ slightly from others people experience. Again, this shows how subjective tasting is as we both have our own flavor memory bank we compare things with.
The smell from the pouch is quite subdued, most likely due to the shipping time to Scotland. On the upside, the flakes are at the perfect moisture for smoking!

Laurel flake has a bit of a fermented vinegar small with a subtle hint of smoked black tea. St James flake on the other hand has a slightly sweeter smell of stewed fruits with also a hint of vinegar.
I smoked both flakes in a Comoy dublin as well as a virgin Jacono brandy.

The LF starts of with a sweet caramel like flavour with hints of black tea and chocolate. This flavour develops in this typical deep stewed imperial virginia flavor with a bit of earth. The smoke is thick and creamy and sometimes is just oozing with a sweet sour taste that stimulates saliva production. Every now and then, little flavor pops of smoke & wood with sweet baby talc/powdery perfume appear. The smoke is absolutely bite free.
St James Flake is a bit more fruity and fresh tasting, starting with a sweet/sour taste that gradually decreases as the bowl progresses into a more stewed fermented earthy taste of imperial virginia. Sometimes hint of smoke appear and it has a nice almost herbal aftertaste. It is a bit more monotonous and a bit more sharp but burns easier.
While they are both in the same flavour genre, there are some differences to be found most likely due to age and different batches of tobacco being used. So I guess even when you make the same blend (so the same % of virginia, perique etc...), the flavour will still be a bit different as processing of the leaf might vary year to year. Of course, I assume they will blend batches of different years together, but at some point some difference most occur.
Thank you again ashdigger for granting us this wonderful experience. I really had a nirvana smoke with the Laurel Flake. I am not able to pick a favorite, but have their merits.

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