Hello everyone. I started smoking a pipe again a couple of months ago after a lengthy hiatus. I have so far only a couple of very cheap pipes from a local tobacconist and few cheap cobs. However tomorrow is my birthday and I am going for a day trip to Oxford to the tobacconist there to treat myself to a couple of things. I'm hoping to get a new pipe or two and a couple of tobacco tins. So far I have just been smoking St Bruno which in fairness I do really like but I'm wondering where to explore next - I'm not particularly drawn to aromatics but am open to pretty much anything else. I am torn between a straight billiard, a churchwarden (purely for my Tolkeinesque fantasies) and a Peterson system pipe. Any pipe/tobacco recomendations would be welcome. I generally favour smaller pipes as I often just put a pinch or two in because I usually smoke outside with cigarette smokers who are done in half the time I am! I also enjoy a far more leisurely bowl when at home on my own.