Hello, everyone. I've been a lurker for some time now and decided to finally make an account. I bought my first pipe at the age of eighteen, a little over twelve years ago. An estate Kaywoodie stinger, bent billiard.
I recall my first few tobaccos being quite possibly the worst for a beginner; Samuel Gawith FVF, McClelland Dark Star, rope tobaccos, etc. Even with all the readily available information on Youtube at the time I couldn't seem to keep to keep the thing lit for more than three arduous puffs at a time, but after months of trial and error I managed to elevate the figure to ten or twelve. A year or so passed, I lost interest, and stuck the pipe and tins in a box somewhere to sit alone and forgotten until around five years ago. I found all my pipe goods after a move, thought I'd give it another shot, and have been piping steadily ever since.
I smoke mainly C&D burley blends with the occasional vaper to mix things up. Looking forward to chatting with you all on the forums.