Hi everyone my name is Elie Khoury I'm from Beirut, Lebanon and I just started smoking the pipe, as of today and felt the need to share to you my experience with it.
So far the feeling is a bit weird as I was a heavy cigarettes smoker, with pipes it just wasn't channelling the aroma as a normal cigarette would do but it had a lot of charm and changed the image from just holding a cigarette Bud to holding a respectable item smoked by legends through out history...
As a new practitioner of the pipes should you guys have any pointers for me to follow, it's greatly appreciated, I learned how to clean them, how to light them and how to maintain the taste with or without the use of beverages to sweeten the feeling of tongue with the various tabbaco out there?
My concerns are the filters do we change them after 5 puffs or less?
While lighting the pipe noticed if you light it for the first time once the tabbaco takes fire you wait until it turn off and use the tools to push it back a bit only to light it again and enjoy a 15-20minutes time with the pipe without it being turned of again.
Also tilting the pipe twords the ground more often when smoking it allows it to take more O2 as you inhale and thus keeping lit that is if you have the curved pipes as Sherlock Holmes used to use!
i am using captain black tabbaco, getting used to it...
should there be other pointers for me to know kindly do share as I'm still a new practitioner in the vast world of pipes?