My apologies to any and all I've offended or simply irritated. I got out of bed to write this as I thought it important.
Somewhere along the line I find I have appointed myself as the arbiter of what is or isn't a "great photo". Not something I intended to do. I'm generally not that pompous of an ass. But, rereading some of my posts I see I've overstepped. I've morphed into a critic.
If a member shares a photo they the like, more power to them. So, I'm going to refrain from unsolicited criticisms/suggestions in the future. I was thinking entirely from a commercial photographer's standpoint in critiquing of another persons work. All "working" photographers do this and it is best done silently, to one's self. If I "like" or "love" a shot and you want to know why, ask and I will respond.
Again, my apologies. And now, back to a more restful sleep with that off my chesI, for