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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 10, 2012
South Carolina
Yeah, I picked up the 7 Seas Black because I bought my brother the Royal blend just a couple of weeks ago for his birthday. So I know I'm going to get a chance at the Royal blend, and I wanted to try the Black blend because it was different. I tracked my order today and it's in my home city! I should be getting it in the mail tomorrow.

Jul 15, 2011
Let us know what you think of the Haddos when you get it. Be careful and smoke it slowly, that stuff is no joke! If you want a nice nicotine kick, Haddos will deliver, and it has a great grassy, raisiny, pungent red wine sort of meaty flavor, along with a little peppery kick from the Perique. It is amazing stuff!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 10, 2012
South Carolina
I'm very much looking forward to Haddos. It's reputation is what led me to putting it on my list. My goal with this TAD order is to only open one tin at a time, and not open another tin till the first one is done. I really want to get into what I'm smoking. Now, just so I don't get bored or fatigued with a blend, I did pick ups some PS LNF and PS LBF today at a local B&M. Just 2oz of each, but between my one tin at a time system and some bulk I should be good. I will definitely consider the tin of Haddos as my first, I only wish it came in 100g tins.

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