The first requirement of your pipe is that it has to make your heart beat a little faster, and only you can assess that. There are hundreds of pipes in the sub-$100 price range, new and estate. I lean toward prompting new pipe smokers to new pipes, just because it makes things easier, more predictable, but that's me. I'd stick to well-known quality brands at first, new or estate, such as Savinelli, Stanwell, Nording, Butz-Choquin, Chacom, Genod. Those first three are especially dependable. Learn enough about filters so you know what you are, and are not, buying on that score. I'd stick with fishtail bits (the standard) before trying P-lip, if you do. There are quality great-smoking pipes in the fifty to seventy range too. Rossi are made by Savinelli and are just fine -- I own two -- with good smoking characteristics in many of the Sav shapes, just not as highly finished. Incidentally, I like my Dr. Grabow Royalton's (with the acrylic stems) very well. I have some beautiful up-market pipes, but I enjoy the others too, the result of careful, patient shopping. You can sometimes find terrific prices on sale.