There are all kinds of poorly made pipes out there. Mis aligned drillings, pinched airways, bad tasting wood... but it takes a certain amount of time in the saddle to be able to determine if a pipe is in fact not so great or if one's smoking technique is to blame for any woes (failure to stay lit, or gurgling, or whatever). I think eventually a lot of us find a pipe that really works, a pipe that seems to smoke easier, taste better, just ... a better pipe in whatever way for what we want it to do.
I've had pipes that gurgled no matter what I smoked, no matter how dry, how slow, how I lit it, how I tamped.... and I can take the same tobacco, put it in a "better" pipe and have no gurgle at all. So, that's a problem with that pipe.
Some guys seem immune to this, the claim that all pipes smoke the same rings out, and I just... I don't understand it. I feel like they are doing something totally different than I am doing, seeking a different experience.