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Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 17, 2021
Central Florida
I put the pipe, filled with tobacco, in the pocket of my jacket, along with a bic or a box of matches. Matches are actually good for going out n about cause you can scrape the bowl with them, tamp a little with them…

If it’s gonna be a long day, I carry a messenger bag, with pipe things and other things, including an extra pipe and some extra tobacco in an old tin or a ziplock

I don’t worry about ash, or a little loose tobacco in the pocket or bag.


Aug 24, 2022
I'm glad you asked this. I've been considering carrying my pipe out but it seemed a bit too cumbersome


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Youngsters, way overthinking this. First, what the hell would I care what someone else thinks of me. I want to wear a fanny pack, I'll wear a fanny pack. I want to keep a pipe in my maw all night, I keep a pipe in my maw. If I want to wear a tut and a pirate hat, I'll wear what I want... with confidence. And, if you're worried that women might not like it... the most attractive thing to a woman is confidence. All this hand wringing over what you should do, what other people might think, etc... will keep women further away from you than what you are wearing or how you carry your pipe.

On another note... by the time you get your pipe lit well, and going... all of those cigarette smokers will be thumping out butts and going back inside. Just sayin...


Feb 21, 2013
I'd just pocket the pipe in an inner jacket pocket or shirt pocket, but never pants pockets which can make short work of a stem. I'd pack the pipe only if you can nest it in a way that won't spill the tobacco, which would be really annoying. Otherwise take the blend in a baggie, just enough for a bowl or three, whatever you'd smoke. Plus matches or a lighter and a pipe nail to scoop the pipe completely empty before putting it back in your pocket.

A beautiful pipe case is nice but easy to forget and tempting to steal. If you must carry a bag of some kind, maybe a cheap shaving kit would do, so it looks like they'd be sealing your toothbrush. The less fuss the better.
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Dec 18, 2015
Cobleskill, NY
Pipe, lighter, cleaners, tamper, and tobacco. Little pouch, pocket, bag, whatever I feel like that day. Pocket pipes are handy. Smoke, toss it back in, enjoy. We need to smoke in public. The number of people who tell me there aren't any more pipe smokers is astounding. When they hear that this is what I do for a living they can't believe it.
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Egg Shen

Nov 26, 2021
I’d try to go as sparse as possible. Pipe in a sunglasses sleeve in 1 pocket, matches, lighter and tamper loose in another. Small pouch of tobacco in back pocket (helps even out the wallet bulge). Of course now that autumn is near I look forward to my vest with vast inner pockets



Feb 13, 2013
If it’s likely I’ll only have one bowl, I’ll prepack the pipe so I don’t have to carry any tobacco around. I usually put a little piece of masking tape over the bowl (no, I’ve never come close to marring the finish)
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May 9, 2021
Geoje Island South Korea
It depends for how long I'll be out for.
if I plan most of the day, then I'll pack my pipe pouch with a couple or three pipes, cleaners & tamper. If it's only for a couple hours or so, just pocket the pipe in a shirt pocket and carry the rest of the gear in a small bag. Most times everything is in a pocket somewhere.
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