Why smoke a pipe when there are quicker, easier forms of tobacco to use?
I think the experience of a DE or straight razor is half of it.
The other half is economics. If you don't throw yourself into buying every brush and razor and soap and aftershave on the market, then DE shaving is far cheaper in the long run.
Ever buy a pack of Mach 3 cartridges lately? Even though they were introduced over 15 years ago, they still cost a fortune. Gillette makes around a 4570% markup on their blades, according to this article. New lines such as Fusion/Turbo are worse again.
Know what the worst part is? I only shave every couple of days when I have a bit of growth built up. I get TWO shaves maximum out of a Mach 3 cartridge.
So for the same price as 8 Gillette cartridges, I can get 100 Astra Platinum DE blades. They also only last me 2-3 shaves but they are a fraction of the price and way sharper in the beginning...
A good shave soap will also last twice as long as canned goo like Barbasol. Not to mentioin that the scents, lathering, moisture and performance are generally superior. Plus if you keep a rotation of various soaps you have the option of variety and it will make your soaps last even longer...
Long story short, I'll never go back to the cartridges. I'd rather skip shaving all together and just maintain permanent stubble with a beard trimmer if I want an easy, low cost, low maintenance, low frills way to groom my face.