The cattle car photo reminds me of flying from Hawaii to Clark Air Force Base PI in a cargo plane fitted with a passenger deck. It was like an airliner inside a warehouse. They could slide out the seats all bolted to a metal deck and slide in cargo containers or tanks. It wasn't the friendly skies, but it was more spruced up than the cattle car which looks like the subway to hell.
Navy Chief, I was in when they still had a "C" school for Morse Code, and I got sent there because I looked studious and had a work ethic. But Morse Code is a gift, like being able to play the trombone. Some guys just heard it like someone whispering letters and number to them. I struggled for weeks, and I suspect I finally passed with a social promotion. Luckily, I never used it aboard ship, but my lead enlisted radioman was speed key qualified, and was a gifted radio guy anyway, a refugee from the lumber camps of the northwest. He'd trying going back to that, but it was just too hard compared to his Navy tech work, so he re-enlisted.
I really have admiration for so many of the guys I served with. We were every ethnicity, region, social class, educational level, personality type, and so on. There weren't any angels aboard, but a lot of community.