I intentionally stay away from nicotine heavy blends but I have experienced dizziness and nausea more than once. Being somewhat lightheaded isn't too bad, but it seems like I'm either fine or I completely cross the threshold into illness - no middle ground.
If I abstain from smoking a particular blend for awhile, I really notice the nicotine impact that even a "medium" strength blend can deliver.
For the most part, I have been smoking Peter Stokkebye Balkan Supreme of late. I find that to be a very mild tobacco and a couple bowls in a row wouldn't bother me - if I was so inclined.
I was on an Escudo kick for awhile but slowed down to preserve my supply. Usually the nicotine was never noticeable but the last time I smoked it I was uncomfortably dizzy. I think that was an aberration, however, and believe that your own bodily state will determine your reaction day to day. It's hard to predict with any certainty how a tobacco will make you feel unless you have a really regular pipe smoking pattern.