Hi fellow pipe smokers,
I began smoking pipes some 10 years ago, but only for a short period as I was a student & couldn't afford smoking both cigarettes and pipes! More recently, I have pulled out and dusted off the pipes I have retained and have purchased some Peterson My Mixture 965, which I have placed in a new and quite beautiful tobacco jar I purchased off Ebay. I am actually yet to light up as I am laying the groundwork first for my new foray into the glorious world of pipe smoking. I will attach an image or two to give you an idea of my current setup. I look forward to meeting and learning from the more experienced members!
Welcome from the Hawkesbury.
Over twelve years ago I switched from a 30-40 a day cigarette addiction [that was only getting worse] to a pipe.
My only regret is not switching sooner.
Apart from all the other benefits [like the great taste and variety of genres to choose] I no longer crave for a smoke.
As a result I'm smoking way less [but enjoying smoking way more]
Don't be afraid to ask questions.
When I first came to pipe forums I barely held half a clue [Now I'm a freakn expert of course

Good bunch of people here who are happy to share from their experience.