No doubt, it's on my list but I haven't had a domestic TAD order as of late,Re: Cob Plug - you might enjoy Gawith's Lakeland Dark. 1792 minus the tonquin. Very little 'essence,' if any, detected. Deeeeeelicious.
gonna get some for sure!
No doubt, it's on my list but I haven't had a domestic TAD order as of late,Re: Cob Plug - you might enjoy Gawith's Lakeland Dark. 1792 minus the tonquin. Very little 'essence,' if any, detected. Deeeeeelicious.
Hawky - I hesitated to respond because I just don't feel comfortable recommending stuff because everyone has such vastly differing tastes and wouldn't want anyone cursing my name saying damn that misterlowercase this stuff sux!!! haha y'know? I have no problem doing a "review" type thing and offering my impressions, but to offer suggestions to someone else is a different kettle of fish...Do you have any other recommendations I might like that I can't find readily available in the states? Thanks.
Several years ago I was gifted a small loose sample of this, about a 25g chunk I'd reckon, and it didn't really trip my trigger, nor do I recall it being anything extraordinary to my tastes - perhaps my sample was aged with a dissipated topping, or overly dried, or from a batch which didn't fully realize its toothsome traits - whatever the case may be, I incorrectly assumed from my small sampling that I "knew" what Revor Plug was and I was quite underwhelmed by it. A wrong-headed assumption on my part for sure, but due to the difficulty and expense involved with obtaining Revor, I then thought that it wasn't worth further pursuit.
I recently tried the mahogany by hoggarth's, loved it! Like ennerdale without so much of the floral scent & a tad more strength, definately getting more.