Pretty much everybody is going to recommend Quiet Nights. It really is something special. It has a great, complimentary casing on it and is velvety smooth. One that is a little under the radar is Charing Cross. It's every bit as good as Quiet Nights, but more Oriental forward, while still having a nice latakia presence, and good Virginias. It is more suitable for all times through out the day and not just limited to an evening smoke. I'm not saying it's anything like Quiet Nights, it's just a really solid Balkan for every occasion. Also, by Gl Pease is a Drucquer&Sons blend called Levant. It is a full English blend that makes a nice evening smoke. It is amazing. I hate to tell you this...but majority of Pease's English blends are probably going to work out really well for you. I promise he has something for you. You're going to wanna check out his entire English line as well as his Drucquer&Sons offerings....