So this probably won't come as a shock to a lot of people. But I was having trouble tasting flavors and nuances of tobacco when I first started smoking. I didn't like to retrohale as I thought it made the tobacco taste wierd. My grandpa who is a long time piper said "son the best way for me to pick up on flavors is to French inhale". So I tried it and oh boy! It opened up a whole new world of flavors for me. I've even went back to tobaccos I didn't like before and found they are quite tasty when French inhaling. Do any of you use this technique with the same great results? It really let me enjoy smoking much more, especially with some aro's that seemed bland at first but now have great taste. I've noticed a lot of newbies have trouble with taste and I would definetely recommend the French inhale! Thanks for letting me ramble!