If it ain't broke... don't fix it. Seriously though, I think most are happy with the layout of the forum. Personally, I can see how the above mentioned changes might be good, but I also see how they might be unwelcome or unnecessary. I was an admin for a site a few years ago, and I can assure you if a topic has gone south, any moderator that might be online would be getting half about a dozen private messages alerting them to topic or member that has gone outlaw... and a sheriff or his deputies will be enforcing county law lickity split. So when there's a private message option, there's no real need of a post flagging option in my opinion.
Recommending posts options can also be nice.... but I've been on forums that used them. Sometimes, what happens is a veteran member might post something and said member is well liked and established and that post automatically gets a ton of recommendations, as well as other posts by the same member or other members of the same standing. Meanwhile, Totalnewbiemember66 might have just made a remarkable post that would just be a joy to read or create a great dialogue between other members. Unfortunately though, this post doesn't get recommended as much and quickly falls down to the bottom of the page or to the next page where it might not even be seen. Totalnewbiemember66 feels discouraged, and after a couple similar experiences might feel left out and leave the forum. I'd hate to hurt Totalnewbiemember66's feelings.