I've been on 4 or 5 forums before I found this one.I still read some of the others and once in a while I post on one of them.One thing that I've seemed to notice is that each forum seems to have it's own personality.The folks who post here do so in a warm friendly way that makes others feel welcome.That's not always the case other places.Some conversations on other forums get so mean that it drives people away.I've left some of them for that reason.One forum I was on every time I made a typo or spelled something wrong I was called out on it. Here no one is made to feel like they're dumb for asking a question.Some forums have cliques a few folks respond to each other and almost no one else.New smokers here are treated the same as old time smokers.Every one tries to help every one else.I like the fact that here opinions are expressed in a respectful manner.I feel that if I were sitting in a room with you folks the conversation would be just as it is here...Very Enjoyable