Puffy I could not agree more with you.
In the recent past the guys and gals on here not only make every newby feal welcome but try to teach and perfect their hobby. I treat you all like brothers and I feal they do the same in return. Now as I am teared up from thinking of the way everyone has been on the level honest and willing to give their shirt off their back to help any and all members here. I have been given tobacco and pipes when I first got back into the brother hood of you esteamed gents, and now that I have been unemployed and desperatly seaking work you guys have helped this brother out so much in well wishes, advise, help with the search for work, and keeping my pipe full many times over since I have been struggling just keeping the bills paid.
I will always be a member here, even when I have nothing to stuff my pipe with. I intend on paying it forward as many of you have done towards me. My hat is off to each and every one of you that has given me not only a leg up but a pat on the back to keep going. I wish to thank every one for the support and will never leave this site.
Listen to me blubbering and babbling on. Just Thanks to Everyone.