If it is a plug or a flake, don't pack it.
Duly noted, gentlemen. Thank you.It's much better to stop, dump out your pipe, and start fresh.
If it is a plug or a flake, don't pack it.
Duly noted, gentlemen. Thank you.It's much better to stop, dump out your pipe, and start fresh.
That my friend is to bad. Give them a chance and you may find for a very low investment you have a fine smoking experience(just sayin)...But even though Popeye smokes them I can't consider them because they're so damn ugly.
Nope! What's the worst that could happen? You spend a few bucks on a cob and either you like it or you don't, but either way, a cob is a great instrument for smoking tobacco from. Been done for a very long time. I have more cobs than briars, and would smoke one anywhere, anytime. I actually get more compliments on my tobacco and pipe when I smoke my cobs than I do when I smoke my briars.And I may just try a cob... it can't hurt, can it?
Yeah... thinking Coniston Cut Plug would certainly be somewhat of a struggle for a new piper. Took me awhile to figure out flakes and a plug requires even more careful preparation, drying etc.I do consider plug tobaccoes are better designated for what they call'seasoned smokers
This is one of the reasons I enjoy pipe smoking.The learning curve is very steep with pipes, some of us are still trying to figure it out.
They are not the best looking pipes, but since Embers says they smoke as great as Dunhills, I believe him.I wouldn't say so. I've heard nothing but good about these cobs. But even though Popeye smokes them I can't consider them because they're so damn ugly.
Just a quick update to say I'm getting there, slowly. I've just enjoyed a small bowl of what has been my most pleasurable smoke to date. A lot of the dislikes I've experienced so far were eliminated (tongue bite, constant re-lights, accidental inhaling, mouth tasting like I'd just eaten the contents of an ashtray...) and a lot of things I'd always hoped for from pipe smoking were present (those wonderful room notes I remember from sitting next to pipe smokers as a kid, cool smoke, no burn or bite, fewer re-lights). The only negative is that I develop toothache after a smoke, from sucking air into my mouth, but that's more down to oral hygiene than pipe smoking - need to get some molars filled I think.Just take your time and refine your techniques. I’d say it took me a good year to get to where I could expect a pleasurable bowl instead of that being something I hoped for.
I honestly wouldn't knowOooo! Starting with the strong stuff, eh? And we have an innate Lakeland fan to boot.