Another Black House lover here. I do have to say though, I think Cerebus has a slight on edge on it for me. I guess that's ok given that they are both Russ' masterpieces in my book.
Oh man that is awesome I'll add it to my sig when I get home. I have a pound on my shopping cart at P&C just waiting to get my Christmas order in. But I have a feeling my sample that Chris sent me will be gone by tommorow this stuff is just too good.
That's an amazing crest Baron. Great job! Tj, I am so glad you liked the sample. I should have sent you more. I knew it was great but had no idea you would be doing back flips over the stuff! :clap:
I wonder if we could get decals made of this crest? Maybe even with a scratch and sniff latakia scent
Funny cause I saw a black Dickies jacket and though how cool it would be to put a patch on the back and then you made this haha that might be taking it a little far but it would be Bad Ass
Baron, my wife is looking in her latin dictionary. Your "Ater" means dark. Black would be "niger, nigra, or nigrum" depending on the gender of masculin, feminine or neuter. Perhas the Ater would be a better choice.