Here's something to consider: When I was a school kid, I kept various little creatures like parakeets, goldfish, turtles, moores (black goldfish with bulbous eyes), neon tetra, guppies, hamsters and so forth. With mixed success. But the fish often did pretty well. Later in life, when my late wife and I kept a few fish, these would often expire within days. There were various pat explanations, but it seemed apparent to me that degraded water quality was a lot of it. Whereas in the 1950's, I was fine to fill at fish bowl from the tap and plop the fish in it, 25 years later there were various treatment chemicals and filters to make the tanks livable. The fish amounted to the canary in the coal mine. Don't drink the water, don't breathe the air. alaska', I love your cat. Cats have domesticated us pretty well so we attract live game for them to eat.