First Taste of War Horse Green

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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 25, 2015
Southeast US
'should be sold in dime bags like high grade weed!'
well that settles it, I'm going to open it tonight



Jan 31, 2011
The War Horse Green was meant to resemble a well known UK OTC blend but somehow emerged from Russ's lab tasting very different from what was envisioned.
The lab security cameras captured this on the day the final formula was being processed:



Jan 31, 2011
I'm still experimenting with the Red...thinking of trying it again soon.
But I'm afraid to try the green.



Unrepentant Philomath
Oct 16, 2011
It’s worth trying both the Red and the Green. Not everyday smokes for me but enjoyable when the mood strikes.
There’s nothing else out there quite like these two. A big thanks to those who brought these blends to market! We’re truly fortunate to have choices like The Horses.



Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
Well, just tried it. You know what? It tastes bubblegummy to me too!
I don't mind it, though, I like bubblegum.
It was too moist, however. Had to be relighting after every couple of puffs. Now I have to try the Bar version.



Nov 21, 2018
Atlanta, GA
Olkofri I hope my power of suggestion didn’t negatively influence your perception of the green stuff. But if you like bubblegum, then no harm done! I let mine dry and I still couldn’t keep it lit. As my new avatar suggests, I just got 3 more tobaccos that I’m much more excited to smoke. Might put the horse on the back burner for now and let it mellow out in the tin for a few days.



Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
I totally appreciate what STG of Pennsylvania and Russ have done for the industry, Bengal Slices was a home run in my book, great stuff and very similar to the real BS I’ve tried, the main differences being the cut. The vintage BS was cut into small flakes whereas the new is a crumble cake but the taste is great and I’ll be buying that stuff up until it goes belly up (or I do). I think my main disappointment with WHG was that I was really hoping for a Condor replacement, something that would satiate my urge to spend all my hard earned dough on those tiny plugs in Ireland (when they were still being made there), I spent a small fortune stocking up on the plugs, LC and RR (totally worth it) but I was just unrealistically hoping for an identical or close to identical match. Well, they got the color of the tin right but that’s about it. I imagine copying something like Condor is near impossible, it’s a highly complex and very secretive recipe that’s been guardedly closely over many, many years. I love strong blends but the Warhorse Bars taste strong just for the sake of being strong, I don’t get any real complexities or subtle nuances in them, just strength and top dressing. It’s like food, I like my food to have some spice but there are some hot sauces on the market that are just ridiculously hot, they have no taste only strength. I imagine those hot sauces are made for macho men to conduct their pissing matches with their mates while slapping it on chicken wings and showing off how much they can eat or to win some silly free t-shirt, to impress their lady friends. Anyway, I’m a big fan of Russ & the Standard Group, I wish they had more legal room to pursue the dreams they’ve envisioned for the company but they are doing the best they can within boundaries of the law and the equipment that they have and I applaud their efforts. But they can’t please everyone with every release. I’m glad to see that Warhorse has its fans though.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 25, 2015
Southeast US
I would try it. I like it, it was bit a shock at first is all. And I don't really mean I didn't like it. The shell shock wore off after a bowl or two. I like it nearly as well now as the ready rubbed (which seems much more mainstream to me) and I'm only 1/2 way thru the first tin. I've retrieved my tin of red and will break it soon.

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