I feel that. It's the time of the year when English blends get back into rotation, one can lunt, hunt, or simply enjoy nature without sweating like a pig. With the equinox the day gets smaller and smaller, but that's fine, we are used to working in the dark around these parts
Thanks for the wishes. Happy fall and peaceful smokes to you all! Walking in the autumn woods with a pipe clenched is one of the better things in life.
I like fall but I hate winters where I live. For weeks at a time it can be nearly -60 Celsius. All of February last year was in the minus forties and fifties. It is terrible.
All my wood for this year was split and stacked last fall. I'll need to chop wood soon too, but it will be for burning next year puf
In truth, a one-year seasoning period is essential in my case because I have one of the more recent high efficiency wood stoves, which are inherently finnicky about moisture content of the wood. I still have a lot of appreciation for the old "smoke dragons" that can burn just about anything you put into them, although they will lose significantly more heat up the chimney than a newer high efficiency stove.