So yesterday upon visiting my father I told him I wanted to try pipe smoking. We had a long conversation about Pipes, Tobaccos and his past stories and experiences. My favorite being when he was starting out, he would pack his bowl wrong, get frustrated and dump it into his ashtray. Then his boss would come along while he wasn't looking and pack his own pipe with it! :lol:
Anyway, he gave me one of his pipes (which upon inspection, reads Spitfire by Lorenzo, Locarno), a czech tool, a handfull of cleaners and an ounce of Players Navy Cut Flake.
When I got home, I couldn't wait to get started. I took some flakes and rubbed them between my palms as my dad told me to. Left the rubbed flakes on a paper towel for half hour or so then packed the bowl (I used the three step method) and fired it up.
I was quite pleased with myself at first. After the second light (charring light being the first) it stayed lit for a good 20 minutes. It was 20 minutes of thorough enjoyment, I must say! At about two thirds down the bowl, it started to go out quite often. Close to the bottom I gave up and sat the pipe down to cool.
I repeated paragraphs three and four a total of 3 times, yesterday.
This morning I woke up with wafts of smoke coming from my mouth, I had to wait until my coffee was luke warm to drink it. I even passed on the bacon sandwich in favour of a cold bowl of weetabix. But I don't care, I love it and I'm hooked already. Although today I've not had a bowl and maybe I'll try a different tobacco.
Cheers for reading,
Anyway, he gave me one of his pipes (which upon inspection, reads Spitfire by Lorenzo, Locarno), a czech tool, a handfull of cleaners and an ounce of Players Navy Cut Flake.
When I got home, I couldn't wait to get started. I took some flakes and rubbed them between my palms as my dad told me to. Left the rubbed flakes on a paper towel for half hour or so then packed the bowl (I used the three step method) and fired it up.
I was quite pleased with myself at first. After the second light (charring light being the first) it stayed lit for a good 20 minutes. It was 20 minutes of thorough enjoyment, I must say! At about two thirds down the bowl, it started to go out quite often. Close to the bottom I gave up and sat the pipe down to cool.
I repeated paragraphs three and four a total of 3 times, yesterday.
This morning I woke up with wafts of smoke coming from my mouth, I had to wait until my coffee was luke warm to drink it. I even passed on the bacon sandwich in favour of a cold bowl of weetabix. But I don't care, I love it and I'm hooked already. Although today I've not had a bowl and maybe I'll try a different tobacco.
Cheers for reading,