@lightmybriar -- ce's right. BR is significantly different from BF, & TBH I don't like it as much.
@cricket -- I've only done a quick scan b/c I've been in a huge hurry this a.m., so I don't remember whether you like aromatics or not, but another good C&D blend you might try if you do is Belmont Station. It's considerably sweeter than BF, with a nicer room note. By no means a black Cavendish but definitely not a Navy blend either. Much as I'm in absolute looooovvvve with BF, I really like this stuff too!
@cricket -- I've only done a quick scan b/c I've been in a huge hurry this a.m., so I don't remember whether you like aromatics or not, but another good C&D blend you might try if you do is Belmont Station. It's considerably sweeter than BF, with a nicer room note. By no means a black Cavendish but definitely not a Navy blend either. Much as I'm in absolute looooovvvve with BF, I really like this stuff too!