So I just got this package in the mail from smokingpipes.com In this box are my Peterson St. Patty's Day and my Nording freehand... I am opening the box now. (insert lots of giggles and a huge grin) Inside the box are two little boxes. One is plain brown with the Smoking Pipes logo, which is a pipe in a circle... I'm sure many of you know that. And a neat greenish box with shamrocks all over it saying Peterson of Dublin St. Patricks Day 2013 (Insert more giggles and a little dance) Opening the brown box now... ooooooh lots of little styrofoam thingies 8O :D Ok underneath all those thingies (I dumped them.. they're all over the floor and table now) is a neat little green suede-ish baggy with Nording written in gold (quite a nice bag... Nording must be in the Irish Spirit too) with a stem sticking out. What could it be? I'm pulling it out of the box now. Pulling stemmy looking thing out of green bag... It's a Nording freehand signature!!!! Yaaaaayyyy. And the photos did it no justice at all. This thing is huge! Quite a bit larger than I expected. I guess the lights they used when photographing it washed it out quite a bit, as it is darker than the photo, but good Lord in Heaven this thing is nice! It's a great big hunk of briar that feels really nice in the hand. It's truly a manly pipe. And I'm quite pleased it's a bit darker than the photo.(So many giggles and chair dancing, someone would think I'm going nuts)Ok... I'm going to stop caressing this thing like a lover and put her bag in her little green baggy. Moving on to the Peterson box...
Oooh neat! It's a box in a box :D and inside that box... more styrofoam thingies (did i mention the styrofoam thingies are green?) that I'm dumping all over the place. Confetti! Weeeeeee! (More giggling and grinning and chair dancing) Wouldn't you just know it.. that's in a green baggy thingy too! With Peterson of Dublin in white... they should have done gold too. Oh and there's a little "Hints For The Pipe Smoker" pamphlet in there too. I will read it later
Taking pipe out of pouch now... What can I say other than it's gorgeous? :D (More giggling and chair dancing)It is a bit darker than the photo as well, but no less gorgeous. (Something to remember when ordering from Smoking Pipes.
I gotta tell you, I can't wait to smoke these beauties. I may have time before I get ready for work to smoke one of them, but if not I will have to wait until tomorrow evening. I'm working until closing tonight and then I gotta open in the morning so it will be to bed with me as soon as I get home from work. But as of now, I am quite pleased with them both... and man, that wood grain on the Nording is fantastic! Lots of close straight grain, and if I've learned anything about that since joining the forums, then this pipe could have sold for a whole lot more than what I paid for it. I am absolutely stoked.
Oh and for those wondering how they were shipped together in the larger box, they were surrounded by these air filled plastic bags, so I'm sure they had a nice soft journey. I would assume Smoking Pipes takes great care in how they ship out their pipes.
(more giggling and chair dancing)