Once again, I am really touched by you all! How cool to have a circle of pipe friends welcome me home! Today has been a beautiful day in the forest, I sat on the deck, smoked 2 bowls of Stokkebye Twist Flake in my Savinelli Oscar and enjoyed! I have worked hard to get here, lemme tell ya and I'm simply going to enjoy!
Here is the front of the place, my wife Iris and our dog Jake on the porch. I lived in Santa Monica for 34 years - renting from a lady who simply refused to raise the rent! I saved every penny and 2 months ago paid off the mortgage on my new house. AH! Never thought as a free lance composer I would ever be able to do that!
Here is the front of the place, my wife Iris and our dog Jake on the porch. I lived in Santa Monica for 34 years - renting from a lady who simply refused to raise the rent! I saved every penny and 2 months ago paid off the mortgage on my new house. AH! Never thought as a free lance composer I would ever be able to do that!