My NOS 80s UTOR Churchwarden cost $20 [ebay] and is a much better smoker than my Savinelli Churchwarden that I paid $115. Not that I think that either smokes any cooler than my standard length pipes.
Regarding tongue bite; moist aromatics and [fresh] straight Virginia blends are often the culprit.
Too much moisture creates steam.
Then there's mouth pH chemistry to consider [why a blend will bite some but not others.]
A couple of blends bite me with every puff while another will leave my mouth scorched after I've smoked two or more bowls of it over a day.
Since you're a newbie, I'd recommend you avoid aromatics of the moist and sticky variety and stick to semi-aromatics and non-aro's.
Buy 1oz each of a range of genres to find your preference.
When I found tobaccoreviews and pipe forums I barely had a clue.
Learning all the leaf types, how they taste from the spine of so many blends - Virginia, Burley, Virginia/Burley and Cavendish types, to the condimental leaves like Oriental/Turkish, Perique and Latakia - made choosing untried blends much easier.
Now I can pretty much tell what I'd like or not just by the leaf and toppings used [Rum and vanilla yum. Cherry not so good. Blackcurrant yuck] and reviews.
If you find that you're getting bit by more than a few blends of different genres, then you need to look at your technique.