I have had a beard on and off, sometimes got tired of it and shaved it, but I always did it once and then grew it back. I'm now clean shaven for about a month, my hair generally doesn't grow quick and there is ginger in my bloodline so you don't see the hairs very fast. Before I grew a beard I used electric devices or a gilette 3 blade razor, now I use a Merkur 23C safety razor with Derby blades, a Muhle Silvertip brush with olive wood handle and DR Harris Sandalwood soap. I'm prone to irritation on the skin and cutting but I didn't had much trouble. Like pipes and tobacco I want to collect a bit more shaving equipment. I really like the smell of sandalwood shaving soap, anyone got recommendations?
There is a guy on Instagram, briar_brushworks, who makes a really nice resin and Briar badgerhair shaving brush.