I started in the pipe hobby in September 2019. My plan was to get a couple blends in each genre, see what I liked, expand from there, try those, expand based on what I liked (genre and/or components), and so on. I am pretty much a tobacco omnivore as I like all of the genres. My favorite is definitely "Oriental forward," but I have picks in many of the major categories including aromatics, English/Balkan, Virginia, VaPer, and Burley. My approach has created a "cellar" of 78 different tins/blends and about 43 have been opened and tried at this point. I have 4 favorites so far that I would go deep on for the future, but sadly 3 of those are not really obtainable right now due to the particular brands/blends being very difficult to find in the USA. I continue to explore while going back to already opened stuff and favorites. I only smoke 3-4 pipes per week, so I generally pick a "theme" for the week and enjoy those blends already opened and sometimes decide to open a new one. Is it a great plan? I don't know, but I'm having fun with it and continually pontificate on how much the tobacco connoisseur hobby is like my homebrew and "craft" beer hobbies.