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Oct 16, 2019
Horrible question:
Peterson's Sherlock Holmes
Peterson's University Flake
but if I had to only smoke one: Boswell's Northwoods. I was sent a reasonable sample of this and it was cruelty as I have not been able to smoke it since!
Why can't you smoke the sample? It's clearly over my head.
Sounds like the person loved it and it's gone, but hasn't purchased any more since the sample was received. There must be some other reason that is preventing the person from ordering more, perhaps because Boswell's won't ship overseas? Boswell's Northwoods is pretty darn good!


Might Stick Around
Mar 9, 2020
Sounds like the person loved it and it's gone, but hasn't purchased any more since the sample was received. There must be some other reason that is preventing the person from ordering more, perhaps because Boswell's won't ship overseas? Boswell's Northwoods is pretty darn good!

As stated....can't get it here


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 23, 2019
I'm on the hunt for my preferred or favorite tobacco, how did you fins yours? Right now it's FMC, and I enjoy Balkan Sobranie. That will have to change.

Because I like to keep things simple I'd be happy to just find one or two that I could order and stock up. Right now I have a number of tins and have been putting opened tins and bulk tobacco in Ball jars.

My question to you, how did you find your favorite? Advice from others? Your B&M made a suggestion? You kept buying tobacco until you knew it was the one?
My favorite changes by week really. I think I am developing a favorite set of tobaccos really. A set that holds my interest as I choose among them. I have 3 blends that represent latakia - very forward, smooth and creamy, and then latakia as a secondary flavor. Then for burley, one pretty straight forward burley, then one with a bit more cocoa flavor. So something like that. A series of favorites. Additionally I am finding that I have favorites for different times of day and weather. Midday, hot, I am looking for a VA, maybe a softer latakia. Rainy, latakia typically. After dinner, latakia or something sweeter, but not a VA, probably like a Rum Flake or a burley. Mornings, latakia or burley. Confused yet? Yeah, me too.


Feb 21, 2013
So much depends on mindset. Some people require continual change and others find something they like and look no further. Most of us are probably a little of each. The enablers on Forums will keep you moving forever, but some of us have enjoyed the journey, even if we stray back home to a few blends over time.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 15, 2020
Chiang Mai
I have a more limited selection to work with in Thailand. Online tobacco sales exist in a kind of grey area so the selection is more limited. It's not dire though - I've tried over 20 different blends so far and there's at least twice as many more available that I haven't yet tried, maybe more than that, but they aren't all available all the time. So, to get to the point (!), I take a look at what's available at any given time, research them online, then buy the ones that sound like they might be to my liking.

The first lot I tried were mainly tinned tobaccos from Peterson, Mac Baren HH and a few others. More recently, I've been channeling my inner codger and bought some Carter Hall and Five Brothers. Five Brothers has quickly become my favourite morning smoke: it's more than dry enough to stuff in a bowl straight from the pouch and it gives me a dose of nic when I need it the most. I also like Carter Hall quite a lot. It tastes good, it's easy to smoke and it's not fussy. I'm still experimenting but I'm glad that I can enjoy the cheaper blends as much as the 'premium' blends.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 4, 2013
Wilke #111 is an oriental blend with some burley. This is a well balanced blend that for me is my favorite everyday-all day smoke, if I had to choose just one. The latakia in it is only condimental so you hardly notice it and the burley adds an element of sweetness to it that for me is just right. It was recommended to me by John at Wilke Pipe Co. when I found out the blend they used to make that was supposed to be their version of the old Balkan Sobranie had been discontinued.

I had tried Sutliff's match of Balkan Sobranie and while I liked it ok it wasn't quite what I was looking for. #111 fit the bill for me. Not as strong as the Sutliff match and a little sweeter. Absolutely no bite. I would recommend a couple of oz to try if it sounds like what you're looking for.
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Can't Leave
Apr 17, 2020
East coast, USA
Revisiting this, and finding I have a taste for English blends. Right now i really like Maltese Falcon with its tinge of spice, and My Mixture 965 with its sweetness in the background. I'm surprised I have smoked Quiet Nights only a few times, but really like it. I'm looking to try Peterson/Dunhill Nightcap in a day or so after hearing so much about it.

There are many others I like but when I have a day I don't smoke my brain wants 965 and MFalcon, like I can sense it in my "retrohale memory" and can almost taste it.


Oct 16, 2019
Revisiting this, and finding I have a taste for English blends. Right now i really like Maltese Falcon with its tinge of spice, and My Mixture 965 with its sweetness in the background. I'm surprised I have smoked Quiet Nights only a few times, but really like it. I'm looking to try Peterson/Dunhill Nightcap in a day or so after hearing so much about it.

There are many others I like but when I have a day I don't smoke my brain wants 965 and MFalcon, like I can sense it in my "retrohale memory" and can almost taste it.
My go-to favorites in the English/Balkan category are Rattray's Red Raparree and Arango Balkan Supreme.

I have been on a big Oriental kick, but have some Plum Pudding and Bengal slices that need revisited, along with lots of unopened tins!
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Oct 16, 2019
Revisiting this, and finding I have a taste for English blends. Right now i really like Maltese Falcon with its tinge of spice, and My Mixture 965 with its sweetness in the background. I'm surprised I have smoked Quiet Nights only a few times, but really like it. I'm looking to try Peterson/Dunhill Nightcap in a day or so after hearing so much about it.

There are many others I like but when I have a day I don't smoke my brain wants 965 and MFalcon, like I can sense it in my "retrohale memory" and can almost taste it.
Also, try some F&K Lancer Slices if you enjoy a hefty dose of Latakia. That blend is just Latakia and Virginia.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 28, 2020
Try a good variety of blends and see what you like best. For my taste one of my favorites is Crooner, nothing else quite like it both the cut and flavor (deertounge is a weird herb). But variety is the spice of life IMO and would much rather have a wide selection rather than just a few blends on hand.


Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
Unfortunately I tried Condor and it just spoke to me, I like stout European stylee tobaccos (well I like a lot of stuff but my favorites are olde world Irish & British plugs/flakes). Once I tried it I had to get a lifetime supply so I sold my house and all my belongings. I live under a bridge now but I’ve got my Condor! :cry:


Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
As a point of reference, and as I've often mentioned, my dad, a minesweeper skipper during WWII, smoked only Granger in foil pouches for fifty years, from high school until age 65 when he quit cold turkey. He's the most brand loyal pipe smoker I've ever known close hand.
My grandfather only smoked George Washington until he couldn't buy it anymore in the mid=1970s. He smoked Carter Hall after that.

I started pipe smoking in 1972 and haven't found a single blend I would smoke all the time but I am working on it. Currently, I'm liking any HU blends I can get my hands on.

Not to sidetrack the discussion, but I regret that I was never able to sit with my grandfather and smoke a pipe. I was stationed too far away during the last years of his life.
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Feb 13, 2013
Of all time: McClelland Navy Cavendish

Currently available: at the moment it's Marlin Flake

Honorable mention: McClelland Classic Samsun
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