jcsnaps: I'm not a reloader. My wife says I have enough expensive habits, like producing metal bands and getting speeding tickets, but that is the coolest damn tamper I've ever seen! I like baskerville's too. That's sort of what's been bouncing around in my noggin.
Really, to make jcsnaps tamper, youd need an inert round (bullet and brass, available from ammo store or maybe cheaperthandirt.com) a piece of stock for the poker, a grinder to taper off the part of the bullet where the pokey thing goes into, a soldering gun, some solder or maybe even just epoxy, some simichrome to polish it... Hmm. totally seems doable! Most of that stuff may be available at Home Cheapo or even laying around the garage!
Really, to make jcsnaps tamper, youd need an inert round (bullet and brass, available from ammo store or maybe cheaperthandirt.com) a piece of stock for the poker, a grinder to taper off the part of the bullet where the pokey thing goes into, a soldering gun, some solder or maybe even just epoxy, some simichrome to polish it... Hmm. totally seems doable! Most of that stuff may be available at Home Cheapo or even laying around the garage!