Favorite line from a tobacco review

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May 31, 2012
"...Condor Plug is the weak, skinny, sickly, but handsome, younger brother of Warhorse,. This is smoking the very earth we walk on. Smoking this I felt I should be striding majestically and purposefully across the land, in search of adventure, fearing nothing, and everything fearing me (albeit I would be a kindly tyrant)." - klause
A most excellent thread idea.




Can't Leave
Feb 11, 2015
It has been a very long time since a tobacco has done that to me! Other leafs sure has though. :lol:



Oct 20, 2010
I am a nic-lightweight. Haunted Bookshop can have me walking into walls if I am not careful. But if I use a very small pipe and smoke slowly after a good meal, I can enjoy rope tobacco.



Jan 31, 2011
MLC beat me to it. I don't expect to ever read a more captivating tobacco review than Klause's review of War Horse.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 19, 2013
First, I love the name Sam. It is simple and unassuming, easy to spell and pronounce and doesn't offend, surprise or confound. With most Sams that I know, what you see is what you get.
The above describes this C&D tobacco blend.

Pipestud (Sam's Blend)

May 31, 2012
Another one,

this about Condor Twist...
"A very stout smoke - if all other tobaccos are defined by the time of day and occasion on which they are smoked, then this is the Saturday night rumble after kicking out time and the bag of chip has just hit the pavement. I will not be chewing this and the throwing it onto the ceiling - not just because I am a wimp, but because this stuff would wait for you to walk underneath and then drag you kicking and screaming to your doom.
All I can say is that they were, MEN - BIG, BOLD! MANLY MEN." - klause



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 3, 2013
Ahem...for your reading amusement:
Molto Dolce is a soggy abortion, greasy to the touch, in which black Cavendish, Virginia of some sort, and alledgedly a smidge of Burley are drenched in vanilla, caramel, and honey.

It is a flamboyant whore, and may destroy civilization.
From: At the Back of the Hill , a strange and wondrously humorous blog that occasionally touches on the subject of tobacco. You may disagree vehemently with the above description, but it is hilarious none the less.
Another selected quote:
Lament and keen for what Red Raparree used to be is intense, poetic, lyrical, nay even tragic and melodramatic, among the tribe with wooden objects in their face.
Makes me wish I had smoked it........ Oh wait, I did!
And finally:
Why anyone would want a tobacco that smells like a juvenile hooker on east fourteenth street is beyond me, unless they wish to chase the roaches out of their tenement, along with relatives who have overstayed their welcome.
They could just burn the place down. It would be more civilized.

May 31, 2012
From: At the Back of the Hill , a strange and wondrously humorous blog that occasionally touches on the subject of tobacco.
His stuff is undeniably great!

He used to post here at PipesMagazine a good bit...




Jul 21, 2015
Some of the writing on these is fantastic in the way "amateurs" can do, but "insiders" have long forgotten how.
Never mind the hype, anyone who can tell a good yarn is a good writer... education, experience, (et cetera) are far secondary.
I've seen a lot of good writers in my time who have been conned out of saying what they have to say because some MFA or industry type thought they needed credentials. There's only one phrase to say to that attitude and it regards what falls out the back end of a horse.

May 31, 2012
Here's a couple from Tantric...

"The flavour of Mahogany is rich but not complex. Rather, it is a very "straight forward" tobacco (one-dimensional for some), but it fully enraptures your palate. If smoked whilst drinking Ceylon Breakfast Tea, you are in for an experience. Furthermore, if at the same time you also happen to be reading something by Hegel or Nietzsche, and/or listening to Bartok, well, you tend to forget the weather, in spite of frosted hands and nose." - Tantric
"Please: do not, under any circumstance, try this tobacco. If you think Condor is strong and soapy, try to imagine it on steroids. It's lady Virginia transfigured into an overly perfumed elderly street walker. A very traditional, blue collar blend for those who have nothing left to lose." - Tantric

May 31, 2012
"Taste: Immense.

I was struck by an impression of eating a gigantic juicy plum spiced lightly with cloves. The smoke was vast and creamy with a bit of tingle on the tongue. A substantial but not overwhelming amount of nicotine added some delicacy and crumble to the mouthfeel. The flavor was deep, dense, heavy, and full without any oriental spice or latakia needed. Just pure Virginia flavors mellowed by time, with a hint of cherries jubilee and crushed roses and tar in the aftertaste." - DrDNA

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