It's still Russian Roulette, but with less rounds in the chambers. Now it's DHL sending orders back on occasion, due to some lack of understanding by some employees of international rules regarding importing and exporting tobacco for personal use. That said, the odds are better than they were.
My former favorite HU blends, before K&K turned to the dark side and started messing them up were:
Director's Cut
5th Anniversary Blend
Old Fredders
Moroccan Bazaar
Edward G
After the last purchases I made in 2019 I wouldn't waste the money. Makhuwa, which was my top favorite, had been completely ruined, with the Malawi nowhere in evidence and the cocoa totally gone to be replaced by sour bitterness. The rich blend used in 5th Anniversary and Edward G had been replaced with cheap subs. Director's cut stank of cheap West African dark fired and wasn't the same blend.