Fall Weather Means Pipe Season is Coming to a Close

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May 17, 2011
Northern New Jersey
Snow and pipe go quite well for me. You'll find me with pipe a-glow after a storm shoveling out the driveway and walkways. My neighbors all have snow blowers, but I enjoy the physical workout with clenched pipe, dog in tow, with my two boys, six and nine, out and about. Then hot coco or eggnog and rum after the work is done. My favorite time of year.



Aug 3, 2013
SF Bay Area
warren asks:

"Are most of our members prohibited from smoking in the house, in comfort? Why?"
In the 70s and 80s and into the 90s, I smoked in the house and never gave a thought to the odor, whether in the drapes, carpet or whatever ... for a short time after Three Nuns stopped being Three Nuns and turned into an unrecognizable imitation, I quit smoking and everyone began to comment on the lack of odor ...
When I began smoking again, it was only cigars which I had always smoked on occasion, but even I don't care for the smell of stale cigar smoke, so I never smoked those in the house ... then, as I got out my pipes and dusted them off, added a few to the assortment and began trying new tobacco, I just never came back into the house with the smoking ... and while MrsS never gave me grief about smoking in the house years ago, she probably would now since smoke seems to be having a particularly negative effect on her respiratory system these days ...
All in all, I think it's better not to do so ... smoking in the house, for one thing, has a negative effect on the value of the place ... and that would make the habit even more expensive than it already is.

The one thing that I enjoy about not smoking cigarettes is that my whole family loves the smell of the pipe. heck, my tobacco-nazi girlfriend demands that I light my pipe every time the dog farts. But, mostly I keep an aro or two just for appeasing the family. The room note lingers, and everyone seems to like it. Othrwise, they'd be burning tooty fruity candles or incense. I keep the Vas and VaPers in my store for working at the workbench, where I have an awesome venting system. But, the GF doesn't seem to mind those either.
Anyways, how do you guys stand to live where it gets so cold anyways? Here in Alabama, I hate the dead of winter, when I have to go buy socks, LOL.
I suggest smoking in the bathroom, and blowing it out the windows. :D



Sep 1, 2011
I ramp up my smoking in the winter. The summer heat is what kills my taste for smoke.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
Winter is tough for me, because a I travel a good bit during the week and stay in hotels. Once temps dip below 45 degrees or so, smoking outside a hotel just isn't very enjoyable. During the summer, I keep a folding chair in my trunk and love those warm summer evenings with my pipe, Kindle and XM Radio via my phone. In the winter months, I seek out the decent mid-Atlantic pipe shops for their hospitality.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 5, 2013
NW Indiana
I understand some of the objections to many blends that might cause friction. But,it seems that everyone has a bit of that at various levels. We accommodate others willingly. But, pipe smoke is just another of those accommodations that can be addressed to mutual satisfaction.
A ozone emitter can control the degree there is smoking residue and odors to a remarkable degree. At $50 to a bit over $100, they aren't budget breakers. If you have ever used an ozone emitting air cleaner as I have, you quickly find that the accumulation of smoker residue on the metal grids removes a remarkable amout of smoking residue. If you couple that to an enclosed room and have the door closed, the room can become the room with the best air in the house.
It take a pretty opinionated individual to find fault with such a setup. I am sure they are there but it is worth the gamble.



Oct 13, 2011
Puget Sound
Are most of our members prohibited from smoking in the house, in comfort? Why?

I live in a very small space on my boat. I don't smoke below because if I fill it up with smoke I have nowhere to go to get away from it. And I don't want the smoke messing up any of my electronic equipment.
There is just something right about a warm smoldering bowl in the hand on a cold winters day.

Pipes make excellent hand-warmers.
Here in Colorado, it can get pretty damn cold, even in October and November.

Fortunately here in Puget Sound it doesn't get very cold. Only the wind and rain can be a problem. I have the cockpit covered so that is a nice place if the weather isn't too bad. Otherwise I can usually find a sheltered place or I can sit in the car in a park on the way home if I need to.
Winter is the slow season, but there's not reason to stop altogether. Also when I'm home in the winter I can visit the Seattle Pipe Club once a month and sit and smoke in a cozy environment with other pipers.



Charter Member
May 5, 2009
The fast pace, on the go of summer is cigar time. Fall and winter is when I truly enjoy pipes. Nothing is better on a cold frosty morning than a pipe and coffee. I'm loading a large pipe to watch football. Nowhere to go nothing to do, don't care who wins or looses just me, ma, leather chair, cocktail and a large pipe filled with aged tobacco. I quit and sell the collection before I would sit outside and smoke. 8O



Jun 13, 2012
I too smoke outside most of the time. I believe I will be investing in some sort of heater or one of those outdoor fire pits this year. Fall and spring are my favorite times for pipes.
Winter means I smoke more outside on my lanai and my front porch. I have been out on my lanai most of the day as it is a nice balmy 80 degrees with some cooling tropical breezes. I smoke indoors during the summer here in Florida.
Lucky dog!



Jul 2, 2010
It's outside for me. Not that I want to freeze my buns off, but my wife absolutely refuses to relent and let me have a room in the house for a "man cave."
I have tried it all: ozone eater; candles; fans galore; windows open, fans going; door to office open in freezing temps, heater going full blast, fan blowing, wearing layers and layers of clothing in my office at same time.
My wife, as I have said in the past, has best nose in the business. This winter, I have a small heater. I plan to head outside to the uncovered deck, sweep away the snow and try to get in a smoke. Last year I took off from the last of December to middle March. Just didn't want the grief and the constant complaints.
Hopefully, this winter, I'll make it to the first of the year before I have to call it quits until the thaw.



Nov 20, 2012
I feel for you guys that have to smoke outside in the cold. It's time to set aside a room indoors. With proper ventilation and an air freshening system, you can make it work! Winter time is a great pipe smoking season and not to be missed. My man cave is upstairs and to the rear of the house, over the garage. The room has it's own heating/AC system. My pipe smoke cannot be detected anywhere else in the house. I also have a very tolerant wife!



Sep 13, 2013
Mrjerke has it right about South Dakota. I'm a Texas boy transplanted here because of the Air Force. The coldest I've been is 51 below...I aint smoking outside in that cold!



Nov 20, 2012
Philip wrote:

My upstairs is outside on deck. I have to climb the mast to get to the attic.

You have to be quite an acrobat to smoke while climbing a mast. I hear the pendulum action is quite hair-raising!



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Right around zero I start to rethink smoking out of doors. I like a crisp day and often smoke the pipe when walking the dog or driving the tractor blowing snow. A still night, like this evening with falling snow, is often the time for a pipe al fresco. But, as I get older I find I notice the coldness more.
I have a room in the house and the ozone machine that also has a spectacular view so I'm set. I have been known to wander out and about the house with the pipe. I had better not be burning latakia or perique though. The wife and the dog have no tolerance for those type of blends.
I don't either (lots of sneezing) but I love 'em!



Oct 13, 2011
Puget Sound
You have to be quite an acrobat to smoke while climbing a mast.

Of course I can always sit in the "garage".


Sometimes this makes a nicer place.




Jul 29, 2013
I have to smoke outside because I have kids and I know my family wouldn't like the smell inside. As for my options outside, I live in a townhouse, so I have no garage or space for a shed. The back patio is my only option (on property) and there seems to usually be some wind. Stupid mountains.
I feel you smokers in Texas. I was stationed in Corpus Christi so I am well versed in the levels of too damn hot and too damn muggy.
Of course I am still going to smoke during the winter. I was just commenting that the nice days will be harder to come by. Going to need those sunny, calm 30 degree days as often as I can to give me a pleasurable smoke.

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